Friday, January 8, 2010

Any advice on how to deal with aggresive people,I have encountered this problem and feel frightened?

Start here to understand something about aggressive people. They are either frightened themselves and have learned that this is a way to protect themselves. Or they like the ';power'; it gives them to get what they want without any concern for anyone else.鈥?/a>

Now to deal with it. There are many books in the self help section of the bookstore or library..and many articles online.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

and if this person is physically aggressive:

Hope that helps- Blessings- ddAny advice on how to deal with aggresive people,I have encountered this problem and feel frightened?
You may need to be more specific.

Why are you always encountering agressive people? Is this your job? If so, you should be trained for it.

If not, then try this. Aggresssive people make a lot of noise, in general. Carry with you a pair of ear plugs, cut one of them in half so that they are not obviously sticking out of yoour ears. Half in each ear.

When you find yourself up against a sittuation where there may be aggression arising, slip those babies in. You'll find that you'll be handling the sittuation very calmly.

I know it sounds silly, but you'll thank me when you try it.

If this doesn't work for you let me know, I'll give you some other methodsAny advice on how to deal with aggresive people,I have encountered this problem and feel frightened?
Mostly you should run.
Assert yourself. If somebody is more powerful and overly agressive get yourself an equalizer. If you're frightened then contain yourself within a group. Me ... I just give them back exactly what provide to me. You may not be the 300 lb bruiser I am, however.鈥?/a>
Stay away from aggresive peopl. Don't make enemies. Don't assosiate with them. Nobody need troubles, stress. To keep Peace, you calm down and stay away. I find in my life one perticular younger supposed to be my Friend. but, I took long to figure out . Aggressive people are very dangetous, and you better careful. If theirs any major problem you got to face, place Charge. Good advice I can give you stay away. They only wants to controll, and be one of the biggest thug .Don't be frighened. Be strong, use your Wisdom and be wise.
just smile at them and feel pity that they have to live their life so stressed out but dont let it affect your calmness
Try to get to the SOFT PART within them...however u can...

Don't be surprised, but they may turn out to be soooooooooo Nice, and unbelievably helpful...
if you can just stay away from them and if you cant just ignore them,they will get bored,good luck chick x
try being sarcastic with them, if they say something you dont like or just report them, either way should do
dont encounter,keep quiet only
Go buy a big cricket bat or something such as and hit them round he head with it!
Try an assertiveness course they are really good for dealing with aggressive people. Meanwhile I find the best way is to either make sure someone else is around in case it gets ugly and try and talk in a calm concise manner (even if you are bricking it inside). Don't engage in any arguing or answering back, if it starts to get ugly make an excuse and leave, but say you will resume the conversation at a later date.

Or refer the more difficult cases to another person.
Ignore them, they only want to bully you because they are weak inside and have to push someone around to make themselves feel powerful.
Walk on , not worth your time,don't be frightened thats what they want don't give it to them

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