I have a tattoo on my upper back of wings with the chinese symbol for father for my dad who i nearly lost to a brain tumour. I got it to remind me how close i am to him and how much he means to me etc.
Anyway, what i need help with is this: At work, one of my collegues (one of these know it alls) has told me it looks s**t and, even though he is joking (apparently) it has made me doubt it even though i love it and what it means to me. All i can think when i see it now is ';if he even jokily says this, do other people think its true?';
I know i should love it and i do but its making me want to cover it up with something else and its really upsetting me. Any advice?Tattoo advice.... genuine people please, not rude people!!?
Hate to have to break this to you, Princess, (and I am really being straight up with you on this one) but you've got to get to be a little more thick-skinned. People are sometimes incredibly stupid when they run their mouths about other peoples ink. They are not really considering the fact that our ink is a part of us, a part of who we are. He probably opened his mouth without giving any real thought to it. People do it all the time. My attitude is, ';Who the fock are they, anyway? Fock 'em and feed 'em fish heads!'; I have ninety-plus hours of eye-poppin' skin art, and I really, really, DO understand. Take care, hon.Tattoo advice.... genuine people please, not rude people!!?
Don't listen to anyone who tells you its not nice because it is lovely and its personal and means something to you. You got it because it means something to you, not to please other people.
Don't cover it up just because of some silly person who mightn't like it as everyone has different tastes and what looks gorgeous to one person might be ugly to the other person. Be proud of it and show it off. :)
Hope this helps :)
Here's my advice. Get over it. Not everyone will like your tattoo. It all comes down to artistic preferences and tastes. Some people just don't like wings...and some think kanji and chinese symbols are lame.
I have a kanji symbol on my back and I like it and it's important to ME, so to heck with what other people think.
Oh people are so stupid sometimes, especially about tattoos. Just ignore him and if he does it again, tell him that the tattoo means something to you and that you find it very hateful that he is acting like such a child.
who cares if some smart **** don't like, at the end of the day as long as you like it, and the reason you had it done was for.
i love it never get it covered, your collegue dosnt know what hes on about he probaly has loads of complex tattoos or he has none and scared to get any
post a picture. DON'T cover it up though, if it does look like crap, there's a really good chance you can just get it fixed or embellished.
its a beautiful tattoo, and most of all if your happy with it sod other people!
I agree with the rest of the people. Everybody has always something to say. Are you going to arrange your life and body according to some random person's preference?
The world is full of unenlightened people that play the 'evil smart-***' game. Their combined IQs are not higher than a banana's. Next time he tells you that tell him what looks like **** is actually his face - and see if he comes back with a covered face the next day.
And anyway. You did it for your father. Is this idiot's opinion more important that your father's thoughts and emotions?
That bloke is an a** ole.
You are perhaps one of the most genuine people that have a tattoo and if you love it because it reminds you of your dad then forget his comment.
I too had my first tattoo in memory of my father when he passed over and its my tribute to him. I don't care what people think.
It doesn't matter what you do say or think you will always get one person that doesn't like or agree with you or what you do we are all different. To get it covered with something else will be a mistake cover ups always tend to look messy after a couple of years.
i have a tattoo of a demon crawling out of my shoulder blade. sometimes i wonder if it is bad or offensive....
i drew the picture myself while i was in jail, it represented a nightmare i had the first night i was there. when i got out i got it tattooed on my shoulder, to remind me of where i just was, and what i felt.
i don't care what anyone says to me about it, they can like it or hate it, think its disgusting or cool, i will never get rid of it or change it, it is a symbol to me, of something awful, if people don't like to see it, that's their problem, it symbolizes a piece of me.
remember when you got it, it had meaning, you got it to remember something, to symbolize a part of your life, your father,
keep it, don't let anyone tell you what to think about it it was your decision, you tell them, FU if you don't like my tattoo, it is art and an expression, and not everyone will agree, but you do, because you got it.
i think some people get tattoos for stupid reasons, to impress other people ect. and they regret it, but when it is for yourself, it is merely a representation of something that was true to you, you got it because you wanted to remember that time, how you felt, it will always be there to remind you.
If it is symbolic and meaningful to you, that you are able to look at it and be reminded of the reason you got it in the first place, its deserves its right to stay on your back :)
you got it cos you liked it right...who gives a damn about what some know it all thinks of it? does he know what it means to you, the story behind it? no.
Therefor his opinion of it is quite simply meaningless.
My advice to you is if you appreciate your tattoo the same way you did when you got it, then dont listen to anyone else.
Dont change things about you because someone else disapproves.
Sweet Princess...
It's not your tattoo you need to work on.
It's just one of those times, when we go
through a period, that we doubt ourselves,
on many levels. Just give it some time and
I'll bet it will all pass. You got it for a reason
and you love it...that's enough. If in a few
months, you still feel the same...that will
be the time to examine what the right step
is going to be. You will be a lot more sure
of just exactly what that is by them.
Good Luck...Relax and enjoy life, never try
to figure out others...Life is hard enough.
Recently i was thinking of getting a tattoo of my grandmothers signature. she is illiterate, all she has managed to write is a signature and that too it is wonky and it looks like the writing of a 5 year old. lol But it doesn't matter how it looks whats important is what the tattoo would mean to ME
. So what i'm saying is, stuff what other people say, this tattoo holds special significance to YOU. You didn't get it for other people but for YOURSELF to signify a special moment in YOUR life.
You are always going to be told thing like something personal about your appearance whether its good or not, but try and think how you felt when you had it done and what it symbolises to you,
you got it done for a reason and If you are really having doubts then you can always get opinions from different artists if you want to change it that badly
but you may find some wont touch it cause - [its other artists work]
I'm sure it doesn't look bad like I said you will have people who love some tattoos and hate others.
By getting a design or ideas from another artists you may feel you dont want to change it or you will to 'improve' how you feel about it.
good luck and I hope you chose the best - I think there is never any bad work done by tattoo artists just a bad idea - and yours DOESN'T sound like a bad idea :)
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