Sunday, December 27, 2009

IUD advice from people who have had the IUD before or who know about it?

Hi im thinking about getting an IUD the paragard hormone free one to be exact but im really scared. i have heard a lot of horror stories. i am worried a little about the pain, since i have not had any children it is suposed to be more painful. im also worried about something going wrong like the string going back up into the cervix or perforation infertility and infection. with all that stuff aside it seems like the best birth control option for me.

id like to hear from people who have experienced the IUD beforeIUD advice from people who have had the IUD before or who know about it?
I had a Paragard IUD for about 4 years and loved it! IUDs got a bad reputation back in the 1970s due to a particular type of IUD that is no longer used. For the right person, an IUD can be a safe and effective form of birth control.

Ideally, a woman who gets an IUD is in a monogomous relationship. This is because there is an increased risk of developing Pelvic Inflammitory Disease with an IUD in place. Multiple sex partners increase your risk of developing PID.

Yes, it is painful to get the IUD inserted, especially if you have not had children, because the opening of your cervix is smaller, making the device more difficult to place. I have never had kids and no lie, it hurt a lot. But the pain doesn't last long, just a minute or so. I told myself it was FAR less painful than having a baby!!! The healthcare provider who places your IUD will probably have you take 800mg if ibuprofen before the procedure - this will help.

The Paragard, because it does not contain hormones, will most likely make your periods heavier and your cramps more severe. I was warned about this and it was true, through really it didn't bother me that much.

You do need to check your IUD string EVERY MONTH to ensure the device is in place. This is easy once you get the hang of it.

IUDs can migrate (move out of the correct position) and there is no way to tell if this will happen. I lost my IUD after I developed a fibroid tumor in my uterus, which ';pushed'; the IUD out of position. What a pain in the a**.

Still, I'd get another IUD in a minute if I could. For me is was a great birth control method.

You can check out all the facts at

Good luck to youIUD advice from people who have had the IUD before or who know about it?
honestly, i love my iud. i never had a problem with it at all. it is sooo much easier to just have it put in then to have to remember to take pills or what not everyday or every time you have sex. i'm not going to lie though, when i got it put in, it hurt like he**!!!!!! good luck to you!!!

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