Thursday, December 31, 2009

Why is it the Bible warns us against fornication and adultery yet so many people don't heed its advice?

If we all know that fornication and adultery hurt us,as well as our children and all those around us, why do we still as a nation continue to hurt ourselves, our families and our fellow citizens?Why is it the Bible warns us against fornication and adultery yet so many people don't heed its advice?
Why do people commit murders? Why do people rape? Why do people steal? Your question is a very good one as well as the ones that I pose. The answer is that we are humans and we are not perfect and some are much less perfect than others.Why is it the Bible warns us against fornication and adultery yet so many people don't heed its advice?
Because Satan and his demons have blinded everyone to the truth. Even quite a few preachers/ministers have fallen into this trap. It's one of his oldest tricks, so he can take everyone to hell with him.
Why do you assume that everyone else in the world holds the bible in the same esteem that you do? Everyone has different beliefs and views and they need to live their lives their own way. In addition to that - people are human, fallible and make mistakes. Why is it that you don't understand that?
What are you talking about?
Because not everyone cares about what the bible says as much as you do.
It's a ';Me'; society. People are selfish and they will disregard what is right so they can have whatever it is that they want.

Now days, some people do whatever ';feels good'; no matter what the out come is. I'm sure God looks down from heaven and gets sick to his stomach. There is no biblical morals anymore. The Bible is an instuction manual for our lives and when we don't follow intructions we end up being lost, and that is a sad thing. Some people will never get on the right road again. We need to pray for our nation. It's not One Nation Under God anymore, it's a nation under whatever feels good-Do It! And that's a scary place to be.

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