Sunday, December 27, 2009

Need advice from people with serious and intense personalities?

My name is Clint and most people think of me as a very nice person, and a really funny guy, though I have noticed that some people have told me that I am very intense.

I'm wanting feedback from people that might be like me. I've never had a friend or family member who is really intense and serious as me. I feel different from some people and I have a lot of people telling me that I need to loosen up. I think that if I ask similar people that might be on my same wavelength, I wont feel as alone. I guess it's how you define intense, right?

For me, I am very serious when it comes to learning something. I've been in Goju-ryu karate for two and a half years now and I do not mess around. What I mean is that I stay focused, at attention, and take everything about the style into every fiber of my being. That not only goes for karate, but with school too.

I can be relaxed too on the other hand when I want to! That's when I'm not working. You get what I'm saying? You may see people around you that are half assing (spell check???), fooling around, or playing when it's time to get the job done, when I'm doing just the opposite. is okay to joke about certain things within whatever you're doing at the appropriate moments.

One last thing. It's kinda funny because when people mention this I always think of the Joker from the Dark Knight. This is the way it goes too:

People always tell me that I need to smile more, that I look depressed or way too serious. But, I tell them that I don't mean to be that way, because inside I'm smiling.

LOL! That's freaking hysterical but oh so true! XD

Ah, anyway if there is anyone out there that can relate to me please tell me your story or something. I need to know that there's someone else out there like me, even if it is to a small degree.Need advice from people with serious and intense personalities?
I am exactly like that, maybe worse. When you give me a job to do, I will get it done and I am too serious about it. I get stressed to. Bad. People are always like ';chill out Karen!';

And then I realize how ridiculous I'm acting, so I tone it down.

But I like being that way. I'm totally trustworthy and I always get what I want because I'm serious about it. But I too, like to have fun, and crack jokes. I just think certain things are not to be taken lightly, and I like people to be able to trust that I can do something and I can do it well.Need advice from people with serious and intense personalities?
I'm a serious person. I can be intense when I'm interested in something. There is nothing wrong with this. People who say ';Smile!'; and ';loosen up'; want certain facial expressions around them. That's fine but I'm not going to take it seriously as something I need to do.

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