Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Advice from people who lift, Working the same muscle group two days in a row?

Okay so I don't mean directly working on the same muscle group twice in a row.

for example,

doing back exercises one day, followed by some bicep exercises the next day, well, is that okay? when I work on my back, I don't really feel anything in my biceps, and neither do I feel any soreness the next day. I actually feel good about working my biceps the next day.

but is that okay actually? do my biceps need enough rest even though i was working on my back?

oh and my goal's to gain muscle mass. and please tell me about my diet or the number of reps and sets unless it helps answer the question. or give me a list of major exercises. yes, my workouts are intense, for me at least. and my diet's okay, so are my sleeping hours. it's not a plateau or anything like that.

all answers relevant to the question are greatly appreciated. thanks in advance guys. cheers :)Advice from people who lift, Working the same muscle group two days in a row?
not a good idea. never work the same muscle two days in a row. Your biceps get some work on your back day. So they need rest to recover.

I do 6 sets and 8-12 reps each day. The only exception is back. I always do 8 sets for my back because it is lacking.

19 multiplied by your bodyweight in pounds will give you the amount of calories that you need to bulk up.

Eat protein with all of your meals.

This is my sample meal plan


2 slices of Ezekiel bread

peanut butter and sugar free fruit spread

1 boiled egg

Morning snack:

weight gainer shake(whey protein, milk, oats, and berries)


Chicken breast

black beans

whole wheat pasta


Afternoon meal:

whole wheat tortilla

bean paste

chicken leg meat




Brown rice

grilled fish


Post workout shake:

2 scoops of whey protein

Bedtime meal:

weight gainer shake(whey protein, milk, oats, and berries)Advice from people who lift, Working the same muscle group two days in a row?
I highly recommend you my diet way. It works amazing and easy. If you are very serious about losing weight. You should have a look diet correct way. It will work for you if you do it correct. I lost 18 pounds in 6 weeks with this way. You can get more info from link below.
I hit they gym 5 days a week........

3 days straight i do biceps, shoulders, rowing...

2 days is do chest, triceps, lats........

i gained some good muscle mass n my body is toned now...

Do you want to get strong or do you just want to look buff? You have to decide which is more important because they are completely different goals

If you want to get strong and gain muscle mass, then do deep squats, bench presses, dead lifts, shoulder presses, and power cleans. You should be lifting for high weight, low reps, low sets. Lifting 3 times a week with a day off between each workout. And EVERY workout should have you doing squats.

And for maximum muscle growth and development drink plenty of WHOLE milk, and water, and eat lots of peanut butter, tuna, and ground beef.

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